Track your deals in the sales funnel
The most powerful way to perceive something is through visualization, and we follow it by showing the bottlenecks by considering various critical parameters.
Assuming a company draws a lot of traffic, this increases the probability of missing several follow-ups of their leads and it becomes difficult to keep up with the workload. For this reason, we offer visualization of the deals in your sales funnel which begs to be completed.
We take a period of 12 months, 8 months prior to the current month and 4 months later to the current month. The data is drawn based on the Due dates fixed in these months. It basically tells us the stock of our sales funnel, which needs attention for closure. We use graphical charts to analyze Data Structures, understand and perform analysis of Graphical Charts in Excel and use statistical computing to analyze the use of Data.
The below graph gives an idea about the deals that need to be worked on or closed as they stack up over the months.
Over a period of 12 months, the chart below shows the product that has won most of the deals, in short, it tells us the most valuable products for us by sales value.
The below chart show here the most promising products by deal value over a period of 12 months, which needs immediate attention, it helps us prioritize the products that need to be focused on more.